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About Hyperbarics - HBOT


What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?


HYPER over-excess or above normal  

BARIC relates to weight in the atmosphere 

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the use of oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure, typically in the range from 1.3-1.4 ATA

ReNew Hyperbaric provides mildHBOT concentrated oxygen up to 96% at 1.4 ATA.

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After a brief health assessment, you will enter into a roomy, comfortable chamber and be given a face mask. The unit will then be zipped closed by our trained staff. You will be breathing in concentrated oxygen through a personal mask.  Pressure inside the chamber gradually increases until it reaches 1.4 ATA. A typical session lasts for 1 hour with an added 5-10 minutes before and after for pressurization and depressurization.

The most common discomfort experienced is ear pain due to pressure changes inside the chamber.  This requires clearing of the ears similar to being in an airplane or driving through the mountains. Once the chamber reaches 1.4 ATA, the discomfort ceases. For the entire session, you will be under the supervision of one of our technicians and able to communicate with them if needed.


  • Lack of Energy

  • Declining Performance Levels

  • Long COVID

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Neurological disorders

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Autism

  • Wound Healing

  • Decreased Brain Function

  • Loss of Athletic Endurance

  • Declining Sexual Health


  • Renews energy

  • Promotes tissue healing

  • Increases oxygen in red blood cells and plasma

  • Accelerates production of new blood vessels, stimulating cellular regeneration

  • Aids in recovery of injuries and illnesses

  • Helps kill harmful bacteria

  • Strengthens overall immune system

  • Decreases free-radicals

  • Increases anti-oxidants

  • Reduces inflammation


Human cells contain mitochondria, which produce a chemical called adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) that stores energy for the cells to use. HBOT can increase the
production of ATP, thereby becoming a catalyst for a healthy, natural energy

During normal breathing (not under pressure) ATP production in cells consumes around 85–90% of the oxygen breathed. Consequently our bodies can be deprived of an adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level – either generalized or localized, a condition referred to as hypoxia. The increased oxygen provided by HBOT is capable of diffusing into the mitochondria and reversing tissue hypoxia. This activates the electron transport chain, which generates energy. HBOT can also increase the number of sites in cells where ATP is produced. This can lead to long-term benefits.


After HBOT treatment, when oxygen levels return to normal, your body reacts to
the level of oxygen being lowered and kicks into its natural healing processes. This
can include:

  • Tissue regeneration: Stimulating cellular reconstruction

  • Vasoconstriction: Reducing swelling around injured tissue

The human body is capable of healing itself when it has what it needs. There is NOTHING the human body needs more than OXYGEN.



Is It Safe? 

  • YES! The hyperbaric chamber uses filtered ambient air, so there is no risk of oxygen toxicity to the body even with regular use.

  • The chamber can be depressurized and opened from the inside.

  • Once inside the chamber, both visual and verbal communication is possible with the outside, and there is also a whistle within reach to signal for assistance.

  • This therapy is non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, and there are no dangerous side effects.

Is It Comfortable?
Most people report a comfortable, relaxing experience and emerge from the chamber feeling refreshed.

What Type of Clothing Should Be Worn in the Chamber?

Wear loose, clean, and comfortable clothing, ideally cotton.  

One restriction – Please do not enter the chamber wearing perfume or cologne.

What is ATA or atmospheric pressure?
One atmosphere absolute, or 1 ATA, is the average atmospheric pressure exerted at sea level, or 14.7 psi (lbs. per So for every added ATA, there is an additional 14.7 psi added. In diving terms, our units will take you to 13.5ft deep if we were in the sea.

What does HBOT do for the brain?
Improves brain function. HBOT has been shown to increase cerebral blood flow, brain metabolism, and brain microstructure, leading to healthier cognitive functions. As the brain improves, sleep and gait improve.


What situations keep me from HBOT? 

  • Inability to equalize ears (sinus infection, etc) 

  • Pneumothorax (hole in lung or popped lung)

Needs further medical evaluation:

  • Certain lung diseases or conditions: emphysema, CO2 retention (need pulmonologist clearance)

  • Moderate to Severe COPD – (injection fraction below 75%)

  • Blood disorders: spherocytosis, sickle-cell 

  • Cancer treatment

  • Certain heart conditions or medications 


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Tel: 864-416-1068

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